Alternative Fakes | Liz Aggiss | Dance | The Place

Inspired by ‘alternative facts’ and appropriation ‘formerly known as plagiarism’ (Grayson Perry), this work considers influence and context, whilst grovelling in homage, sampling, borrowing, cribbing, paching, stealing and imitating as a means to create Alternative Fakes.

This dance piece was commissioned by The Place, London School for Conteporary Dance, choreographed by artist and choreographer Liz Aggiss being inspired by artists such as Jerome Bell, John Cooper Clarke, Martha Graham, Dore Hoyer, Suzanne Linke, Bronsislava Nijinska and Jack Stanford.

With her design Bettina John makes use of a punkrock aesthetic and taps into a tradition of appropriation, exploring a fine line of invention and re-invention.


Jimmy Adams
Sarah Bateman
Ruben Brown
Frankie Hickman
Reece McMahon
Ruby Portus
Thomas Whiting
Sally Mayhew
Marcell Proske
Erena Reilent
Amy Toner

Alternative Fakes Lizz Aggiss Appropriation    Alternative Fakes Lizz Aggiss Appropriation

Alternative Fakes Liz Aggiss Appropriation